Q and A


My viral load is 20, will it go lower?

I had PCP in July 2012 my CD4 was 20 and my viral load was 196,000. Now my CD4 is 200 and my viral load is 20 im on Atripla and dapsone.

Will my viral load go down and will I be undetectable?



Thank-you for your email.

This is a great response to treatment and you should be very pleased! How are you feeling generally?

Your viral load would already be considered ‘undetectable’. Any viral load result of 50 or below is considered ‘undetectable’.

I can understand that this is a bit confusing. The reason for this is that older viral load tests could only detect and viral load above 50. So under 50 was ‘undetectable’. Some hospitals now have newer tests that can measure lower levels than this which is why you might get a lower reading like this. You can read more about this at this previous question.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi HD, no this does not mean that your viral load is increasing or that you have missed a dose.

    Was the result ‘abnormal’ explained to you? and has there always been this yellow box present on your test results?

    A result reading <20 copies ML is still the same as none detected. They are different terms of explaining the same thing. As the test has not given you an actual number it still shows that your viral load is too low to be properly checked by the test and your treatment is still working.

  2. HD

    Hello, My HIV quantitation has always been none detected. But this most recent test shows <20 copies ML and then a yellow box that read (ABNORMAL). I understand under 50 or even 200 is considered undetectable but if the tests haven't changed at my lab, does this mean I may have missed a dose and my viral load is increasing? I'm taking Odefsey. I have taken a few dosages late but not missed two or more days.

  3. Valencia

    My copies are 49 and at the clinic they said I’m doing something not right.and I’m not doing anything unless maybe it’s a stress.how true is this.how many do I have to do if I’m ohk?

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Valencia, you have an excellent viral load. You do not need to be worried. When a viral load is below 200 and on treatment it is considered undetectable.

    There is no difference between having a viral load of 200 and that of 49. Both show that your treatment is working and HIV is being suppressed. It means HIV is no longer having an impact on your immune system and it is impossible to pass on HIV to someone else via sex.

    Some tests can be more sensitive than others. This means someone with a viral load might test undetectable with one and have a viral load of 60 with another. It depends how low the test can read but both are still considered undetectable for what benefits are present when your viral load is this low.

    As long as you are continuing to take your treatment everyday you are already doing everything you need to. There is nothing additional you should be doing.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Emmanauel, 20 copies refers to how HIV is being managed within the body. Anything under 200 is considered undetectable and you cannot transmit HIV. The number is kept low by keeping up with your medication. If the number goes up (above 200) you will need to speak to your doctor as your medicaiton may no longer be working as well.

  6. Emmanuel

    Hi how are you ?just wanted to know if there say you on 20 copies what does it mean and does it mean it has to go up or down?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Okeowo,

    It’s great that your viral load is undetectable at just 20 copies.

    However for nearly everyone, the HIV tests will still be HIV positive. This is because HIV tests look for an immune response (called an antibody).

    Even if there was an HIV cure – and this might be found one day – your antibody response is always likely to test HIV positive (i.e. be reactive).

    There’s more info on this Q&A.

  8. Okeowo

    After first 6months treatment that shows less than 20 can it negative after about one yr on drug.

    Do I need to continue on ARVs with undetectable result?


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