Q and A


Can I take muscle enhancing supplements with ARVs?

Is it safe to take muscle enhancing suppliments while on ARVs (Tribuss to be precise)?



Thank-you for your email. This really depends on what type of supplement you intend to take. Please see this similar question for more information.

Before taking any supplements or medication it is a good idea to check with your doctor or pharmacist.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi David, what is the name of the ARVs you are taking and the supplements you want to take?

    The most common advise is to take the ARVs and supplements at opposite ends of the day e.g., ARVs in the morning and supplements at night. If this does not wok with going to the gym, the minimum between ARVs and supplements is taking the supplements either 6 hours BEFORE or 2 hours AFTER you take ARVs. This is long enough to prevent any interaction.

  2. David

    needed advice cz being so long gyming not using supplements now due to taking arvs medication I want to start using supplements us that’s healthy for me or it will disturb my arv system ‍♂️

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Musa, please see this previous question: https://i-base.info/qa/11564

  4. Musa

    Hi I’ve been on ARVs since 2014 as well as Epilim 800, Tegretol 400 for my epilepsy. Arvs are Ritonavir,100, Atanizer 300& Tenemin. Is it advisable to take muscle building protein? Currently weigh 79kg 175cm

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sifiso,

    Please see this earlier Q&A about Atripla and answered by Simon. Tribuss is a generic make of Atripla. Simon’s Q&A includes links to other questions about supplements used by body builders.

    As Simons says, Protein drinks are probably a safer way to build bulk muscle as part of a training programme, rather that creatine supplements.

    And it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about any supplements you’re thinking of taking along with your HIV meds.

  6. Sifiso

    I’m 43 years old, have been on Tribuss since 2014. I want to start using body building supplements. Is it safe for me?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Phillip, what is your CD4 count and normal weight and height?

  8. Phillip

    I’ve recently started my ARV treatment a week ago,to be precise ,I’m on the 12 day.my weight is not satisfactory at all. I weighed 44,6kg ,but since starting the treatment ,my weight dropped to 40,0kg..should I be worried?


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