Q and A


Can I avoid body shape changes?

Is there anything I can do to avoid body shape change when on medication (Tribuss)?



Although it’s normal to be worried about side effects the actual risk of body shape changes with Tribuss (also known as Atripla) is very low. This only affects a small number of people taking this medication. If you do notice any body shape changes which you think are a side effect you should speak to your doctor about changing treatment. But with a rare side effect like this its best to try not to worry about it unless it actually happens.

Please see this previous question for more information about changes in body shape (called lipodystrophy).


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntonhle,

    Are you saying that you’ve lost weight off your buttocks area? If you are this could be due to a number of reasons. Though ARVs are one, this is very rare.

  2. Ntonhle

    Im 5 yrs on arvs now and my bums are small so im worried

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Rose,

    Here’s an answer to a question about fat loss (called lipodystrophy). You can see that this kind of weight loss is linked to older HIV meds, and not really to Atroiza. You can ask you doctor to find out why you are losing so much weight and if it is linked to your meds.

  4. Rose

    Hi I’m HIV and I use atroiza so I’m losing to much weight

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thando,

    People react in different ways to ARVs, so its not possible to say why some people gain weight when others don’t.

  6. Thando

    Why other people gain wait when they taking HIV treatment

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Alina,

    Though now not as common, some people who take ARVs can experience body fat changes, as the following link discusses:


  8. Alina

    I want to ask why I lost my bums and hips after taking this medication, and my stomach is too big now.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, Some HIV treatment (ART) can cause changes to how your body looks by changing the amount of fat on parts of the body. It can depend on what HIV drugs (ARVs) you’re taking. Some drugs, which are used less often now, such as d4T and AZT have been associated with fat loss. And efavirenz, which is part of Tribuss or Atripla, could possibly cause fat loss too.

    You can ask your doctor if your meds could be causing these changes.

    You can find out more about fat loss here.

  10. neliswa

    I want to ask why I lost my bums and hips after taking this medication, and my stomach is too big now.


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