Q and A


Can I avoid body shape changes?

Is there anything I can do to avoid body shape change when on medication (Tribuss)?



Although it’s normal to be worried about side effects the actual risk of body shape changes with Tribuss (also known as Atripla) is very low. This only affects a small number of people taking this medication. If you do notice any body shape changes which you think are a side effect you should speak to your doctor about changing treatment. But with a rare side effect like this its best to try not to worry about it unless it actually happens.

Please see this previous question for more information about changes in body shape (called lipodystrophy).


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ayanda,

    Thanks for getting back to us. Changes to body shape, such as fat loss or gain, is likely to be the result of several different factors rather than any single cause or medication.

    But you can change back if there’s not resistance to Tribuss. You can discuss this when the results are back.

    It’s important to your doctor about your HIV treatment during pregnancy. That’s so that you get the best treatment for yourself – and for your baby.

    You can also discuss your partners treatment and viral load results.

  2. Ayanda

    Hi it ayanda again

    I have been changed atazor 300mg, norvir 100 mg and combivir

    My concern is will make body change shape like ARVs that were given to people in the early 2000s

    Are they safe during pregnancy? Im worried cos the resistance result has not returned what if im not resistant to Tribuss it was just flu/fever causing the VL to rise?

    Can they change me back?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lera,

    I’m sorry that you are confused, however as the original post clearly states, body changes due to Atripla aren’t something that is common. If a person where taking AZT, then yes there would be a chance of having weight loss. Please see here for more information: http://i-base.info/guides/side/fat-loss-lipoatrophy Other than that, the chances are very small, if at all.

    Also there are other drugs in South Africa other than generic Atripla and its generic version.

    If you are having issues with body shape, please refer to a doctor.

  4. Lera

    Lisa you are very confusing looks like you not sure of what you saying to some. People you saying altripa and tribusss aren’t really associated with body shape changes but earlier meds did… To some u saying efavirenz which is a main ingredient of altripa, tribusss and attennif does cause body changes… Which new meds are you on about because the three meds are the one that are given in South Africa..

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Senzi,

    As I said in my previous post, body fat changes aren’t something that is common. Losing weight from your arms and legs isn’t really something that happens. Yes, this used to be the case, however now it generally isn’t. This isn’t to say that it may not happen, however it isn’t possible to say how an individual will react to their medication. If there were to be changes, then you could switch to a different combination.

    Though issues to do with body shape are clearly on your mind, what’s really important is that you take your ARVs and that you control your HIV. This is more important due to you being pregnant.

    And yes a woman’s body does change and change rather dramatically when she is pregnant, so this is something to take into consideration.

    Atrozia is a generic version of Atripla. Please see here for more info: http://i-base.info/guides/1561 In some countries it’s common to switch between the various generic brands.

  6. Senzi

    Last month was diagnosed with hiv and they gave me a medication called atroiza and it’s combination of 3 drugs tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, efavirenz and emtricitabine,, is this also altripa or what these medications are so confusing and am scared of losing my body shape… U just answerd that pregnant woman experience body shape changes… But pregnant woman don’t experience fat loss on arms and legs if hiv negative….. why does this happen to hiv positive people if the new meds don’t cause body shape changes

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Senzi,

    You’re pregnant, so your body is going to change shape due to your pregnancy. This is something that you’ll need to take into consideration when thinking about your body changing.

    HIV related body changes used to be common, however with advances in medication drastic changes aren’t that common.

    Due to you being pregnant you may find the following guide helpful: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

  8. Senzi

    I am 4 months pregnant was diagnosed with the virus last month.. I have a nice and firm body shape av seen people that are on arvs having a bad shape… I’m only 22 years of age please help I really don’t wanna lose my body shape

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Siza,

    As Lisa says ARVs are not know to cause changes to skin colour. But ARVs that are not longer used have been linked to this. AZT is an example. What other ARVs are you taking?

  10. Siza

    I am using Aluvia what I have noticed is my feet are becoming darker is there a way to stop this


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