
There was a stock out of ARVs, what is the risk?

I am on Odimune (Atripla) since 2012 June. My CD4 was 350 and viral load was 18000. In January 2013 CD4 was 450 and viral load less than 50.

I had to skip my treatment for two weeks because of delays in posting of my medication is this going to have a negative impact on my CD4 and viral load?



I’m sorry to hear that you missed a few doses of Odimune because of stock problems. Has your clinic resolved this to prevent this happening again? Unfortunately this problem is far too common in South Africa. The Treatment Action Campaign are campaigning to improve this – you may want to get in touch with them for information about this, and what to do if this happens again.

It’s difficult to say whether or not this will have a negative impact on your treatment. Missing doses increases the risk of developing drug resistance, which would mean you would need to change treatment. The risk is probably lower if you stopped suddenly for two weeks and restarted, and higher if you try to spread your meds out to cover this period. But a lot of this is unfortunately down to luck. When you missed doses your viral load will have gone up, and it’s possible during this time that you may have developed resitance. The actual risk is probably quite low from a once-off, but the only way to know will be to monitor your viral load and make sure this stays below 50 and doesn’t go back up. See this link for more information about missed doses and drug resistance.

Make sure your doctor knows about these missed doses, and ask him/her to check your viral load now that you are back on treatment to make sure this is being kept down.


  1. Lisa Thorley
  2. Blue

    Sometimes i miss to take my arv on time just a couple of minutes for example i take arv at 8:00am then i have to take it by 8:45 or 9:00am is it ok for that? Thanks

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thando,

    I’m sorry to hear that your HIV meds are out of stock. Do you live in South Africa? As Rebecca says above, this problem is far too common in SA. But you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign who have always campaigned to fight this. Here is a link to the TAC contact page where you can contact them.

    Is this the first time you’ve had to miss your meds? The longer you go without them increases the risk of resistance. However, you could call the clinic and ask for different meds that can keep your viral load undetectable. Being undetectable is important if you are breastfeediing.

  4. Thando

    Hi Am on treatment taking one pill a day. Viral load in detectable . Just had a baby who is 7 weeks finished with his 6 weeks NVP period now he is taking Doctrim suspension becs am breastfeeding . Now my problem is i hvn’t been taking my treatment for 5days am only getting it tomorrow there was no stock at the clinic. My question is will this 5 days of not taking my pill affect my baby. Secondly am I not at risk of default?

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sikelelwa,

    There’s no need to stress about this. Your results are great. You have a strong CD4 count and your viral load is undetectable under 50.

    Missing just 2 nights very occasionally will be fine. What meds are you taking?

  6. Sikelelwa


    Im stressing i forgt to bring my meds with
    me, ill be in Cape Town for 2nights.
    Will tht affect my viral load and Cd4, my Cd4 is 876 my viral load is 23 .

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jordan,

    It’s fine to take your meds as soon as you remember. If you realise you have missed a dose, take it as soon as you remember. You can then carry on at the usual time.

    But, if you only realise you’ve forgotten when you’re going to take your next dose, do not take a double dose.

    Have you tried ways to help you remember? Here are some tips on taking your meds at the right time.

  8. Jordan


    I just started arv 3 months ago (july 19), may cd4 back then is 35. It is now october, Itake it every 10PM. I forgot to take LTE med last saturday night and remembered it 8AM on sunday so I took it, then took again my daily dose at 10PM the same day. It happened again yesterday (monday night) i forgot to take it and realized it this morning (tuesday) at 5:55am. So i took it again. Will I be fine doing such thing? I am so scared this might happen again.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lucas,
    You can carry on taking your Odimune at the normal time. So long as you aim for the same time each day you can take them within an hour either side of this. Please see these questions about taking your meds on time.

  10. lucas

    ive miss my nomarl time all ways I take my ODIMINUA AT ABOUT 20H22 THEN YEARSTEDAY ITAKE THE BY 19H22 NOWI WANT TO USE MY NOMARL TIME 20H22


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