Q and A


Can I stop ARVs after birth?

I am 17 weeks pregnent and i found out that I’m positive 3 weeks back.

Last week i went for my CD4 count and found out that it is very low @ 159. now i don’t like pills and i want to find out if i start taking ARVs now and monitor my CD4 count until i deliver my baby and then stop taking ARVs, will that be a wise decision?


In most countries people start treatment when their CD4 count is around or below 350- whether or not they are pregnant. Starting treatment soon is important both for your own health, and to make it less likely that your baby is infected.

Because your CD4 count is at the level where most people start treatment it is unlikely you would stop ARVs after giving birth. You should expect to continue taking ARVs for life once you start. You can read more about starting treatment in our Introduction to combination therapy guide.

Although it’s normal to be worried about starting treatment ARVs can help you to live a long an healthy life. ARVs are much easier to take than they used to be and side effects are usually mild, and easy to manage.

If you’ve just found out you are HIV positive this can be a lot to deal with. Do you have any support to help you cope with this?


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nolo,

    What you need to do is book an appointment to see your doctor. Let them know that you’ve been off meds for 3 years and that you’re wanting to restart. They’ll be able to discuss your treatment options with you. You may be able to take what you used to take, or you may be offered something different. They should also check your CD4 count and viral load.

    Given that you’re pregnant, it’s important that you restart medication.

  2. Nolo

    I stopped Arv 3 years ago after giving birth now I found out I’m pregnant will it work if I start again

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Penelope,

    I can’t really comment on the stomach pains, therefore please talk to a doctor about this.

    With regards to feeding your baby. If you have an undetectable viral load and you’re on treatment then yes you can breastfeed. For more about this please see the latest recommendations from the World Health Organisation.


    Mix feeding isn’t recommended as it can increase the risk of transmission. Therefore, this is something that you shouldn’t do.

    For what would happen to you if you stopped ARVs, please see Q7 here:


  4. penelope

    I found out that I was pregnant and HIV positive at the same time. I started my treatment.Now I am always experiencing pain in my stomach, my CD4 is 649. Is this bad for my baby?

    Should I breastfeed my child? Can I mix feed? What will happens to me if I stop taking ARVs?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vovo.

    Selenium is not a replacement for ARVs. Only ARVs can reduce your viral load and help your CD4. It is ARVs that help you live well with your HIV. If you stop taking ARVs your CD4 will eventually begin to fall. Your viral load will also increase. If your viral load increases above undetectable the risks of transmission increase. If your CD4 drops, and drops below 200 you are at risk of developing opportunistic infections. It is these that could make you ill. That said, it is up to you if you wish to stop treatment.

  6. vovo

    can i stop taking arvs . I will use the selenium to replace arv . What would happen to me?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi bk

    It is very lucky that you were diagnosed in time to start ARVs while you were still pregnant.

    You will have lots of options after your baby is born. These will depend on your CD4 count and other health issues.

    Given that most guidelines recommend treatment for all HIV positive people, it is usual to want to stop meds afterwards if you are luckly enough to have the option to continue.

    There is alwasy this choice though if you find your CD4 count is very high.

    Please don’t make any decision now until you have had time to talk about all options with your doctor.

    Good luck with thte rest of your pregnancy.

  8. bk

    Am 13 weeks pregnant and i have foundout that am positive,i started the ARVS immediately,can i stop taking them after birth???

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis- do you have any support to deal with this?
    All pregnant women need to take ARVs during pregnancy to prevent transmission to their baby. Because your CD4 count is high you may be able to stop ARVs after birth, although in some countries you would be expected to continue. Please see this page in our pregnancy guide for more information.

  10. mrs moon

    I am 12 weeks pregnant and just found out I’m hiv pos.my cd4 count is 860….
    Is it necessary to take arv’s,and is it necessary again to continue with it after birth…


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