Q and A


Is Odimune safe in pregnancy?

I am an HIV positive woman and I am pregnant.

I have just received Odimune but I have a few concerns.

The leaflet which accompanies the batch states that Odimune is not recommended for pregnant women because safety and efficacy has not been established.

Is Odimune safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women?



Thanks for your email. We have a lot of questions from women taking this combination in pregnancy.

Odimune is a generic version of Atripla. This link is to a previous question about use in pregnancy. Atripla contains the same drugs as Odimune, it’s just a different name because it’s made by a different company.

If you have any questions after reading this please let me know and I will be more than happy to help!


  1. mavis

    Hi I’m pregnant and taking arv’s and zinplex which i don’t know what zinplex is for please help

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lisa,

    What meds are you taking?

  3. Lisa

    I’m on ARV second regime and now I bought zimplex, is it safe to use. If so plz tell must I use zimplex tables with water / milk

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Abegail,

    When you gave birth what was your viral load? How old was your baby when they were tested?

    Though you may have had one positive result for your baby, this doesn’t mean that he is positive. This is why babies should be tested until up until they are 18 months. Please see here:


    When your baby was born, was he given medication?

  5. Abegail

    hi,i started using Odimune a year ago.I fell pregnant. I never stopped using it. After my baby was born he tested positive.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Akhona,

    Which zinplex product is it that you want to use? What ARVs are you using?

  7. Akhona

    Hello I just want to know can I use zinplex when I’m on ARVs?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Washu,

    Congratulations on your pregnancy.

    Zinplex is a mineral supplement that contains zinc. Why you have been prescribed this is unclea, as it isn’t something that will help your HIV. And isn’t something that is commonly prescribed for pregnant women. Therefore, you will need to ask your doctor.

    With regards to side effects, what side effects are you having?

  9. washu

    I started taking odimune when I was 9 weeks pregnant, now i dont know the difference between the side effects of the medication or the pregnancy. I’ve also been given zinplex, what is that for?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lulu,

    Do you know what your viral load is? If its undetectable, then your HIV shouldn’t be an issue if you wish to have a natural birth. For more on delivery and pregnancy please read the following:


    For a detailed response about breastfeeding please see the following link:



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