Q and A


Can I take amoxicillin with ARVs?

Can I take augmentin(amoxicillin) with hiv prescriptions Truvada, Prezista (darunavir) and norvir (ritonavir)?



Thanks for your question. There are no interactions expected between these ARVs and amoxicillin. It is always a good idea to check with your HIV doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medicines.

You can also check for interactions at HIV-Druginteractions.org


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Prisca, Is cipla-actin to help stop vomiting? What does it do exactly? Has your uncle just started treatment? Some people feel sick or nauseous in the first week of starting HIV meds. But this can go away quickly. Atrioza, Tribuss and Odimune are different names for the same drug. Can you talk to the doctor and ask if anti-nausea meds would help and not interact with the HIV meds?

  2. Prisca

    Hi can take cipla actin when u taking Atrozoa or Tribuss or odimine?pls my uncle need help he lost weight nd no appetite

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Hans,

    Yes this will be fine. Please also see here:


  4. Hans

    I am taking Genvoya and was wondering if I could take ferrous fumarate and multivitamins. I take Genvoya at 7.30am with breakfast and would take the iron supplement and multi vitamins with my evening meal at 7.30pm. Would this be ok at 12 hour break between the two.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi lombe,

    What have you been given for the gonorrhea?

  6. lombe

    How is the drug interaction between ARV-Efevirenz/emetricitabine/lumivudine combined tablet and gonorrhea treatment

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Julia, the only proven treatment to increase your CD4 count is modern HIV drugs. There is a risk that other herbs of preparations might actually work against HIV drugs and have increased risks. Please see Q2 at this link:

  8. Julia

    hi can I take traditional medicine to boost my cd4 while on Arvs?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Alice,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  10. Alice

    Hi can I take betamox wen I’m on arv’s… my doctor prescribed it to me for yeast infection


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