Q and A


Can I take amoxicillin with ARVs?

Can I take augmentin(amoxicillin) with hiv prescriptions Truvada, Prezista (darunavir) and norvir (ritonavir)?



Thanks for your question. There are no interactions expected between these ARVs and amoxicillin. It is always a good idea to check with your HIV doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medicines.

You can also check for interactions at HIV-Druginteractions.org


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Leah,

    It looks like Cipla Actin is an antihistamine. It is used to treat symptoms of hay fever, such as sneezing and runny nose.

    But please speak to your doctor before using it. You can ask to check whether it will interact with your particuar ARVs.

  2. Leah

    Hi can I take cipla-actin with ARV treatment.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lerato,

    Its fine to use both amoxicillin and Metronidazole whilst taking Atripla, there won’t be any interactions.

  4. lerato

    it is Okay to take Atroiza,Metronidasool 2000mg(Single dosage) and Amoxicillin 500mg at the same time when I’m pregant?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Len.

    Yes this is ok, there won’t be an interaction.

  6. Len

    Can I take cloxacillin with my arv? ( TDf, Efivarenz and lamivudine) will it have adverse reactions?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ervin.

    Yes its OK to take cloxucillin with your ARV medication, there won’t be any interactions.

  8. Ervin

    Hi all,

    Can i take cloxucillin tablet for my right swelling knee cause by motor accident while im taking also tenofovir viread for my hbv medication since 2016? Is their any drug interactions if i take it? Thank you in advance.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi N,
    There is no potential interaction between tenofovir DF or FTC (which are the meds in the tablet Tenemine) or lopinavir and ritonavir (which are the meds in the tablet Aluvia) and the antibotics in Betaclav and Adco-metronida.

  10. N

    Hi i went to the dentist the other day and he gave me Betaclav and Adco-metronida,I am hiv positive and taking Tenemine and Aluvia is that okay


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