Q and A


Can I take amoxicillin with ARVs?

Can I take augmentin(amoxicillin) with hiv prescriptions Truvada, Prezista (darunavir) and norvir (ritonavir)?



Thanks for your question. There are no interactions expected between these ARVs and amoxicillin. It is always a good idea to check with your HIV doctor or pharmacist before taking any new medicines.

You can also check for interactions at HIV-Druginteractions.org


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nicky,

    ARVs are free in South Africa, therefore you’ll be able to access them. Given that you’re ill it’s important that you engage with care. If you have any issues you should contact the following org: https://tac.org.za/ This is because i-base are UK based.

  2. Nicky

    I’m from South Africa . I don’t breast feed.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nicky,

    Which country do you live in? I’m asking as ARVs are usually free. If you have shingles these need to be treated. As you’ve just had a baby, given that you aren’t on meds are you using formula?

    Covid 19 is making a lot of people nervous and that includes positive people. Being on medication will help as this is what you need to control your viral load and importantly your CD4 count.

  4. Nicky

    Hi in the 3th month of my pregnancy I started taking dolutegravir so my cd4 count would rise faster. 2 months after my pregnancy I couldn’t afford to take it anymore so I have been off the meds for 3 months now and I really need to start taking treatment but what should I do next . Please advise me with the best necessary steps I should take. I have also developed shingles and bells palsy . I’m so stressed out about the corona pandemic that if even started getting panic attacks.

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Khanya,

    I’m sorry to hear you’ve been so unwell. But we are not doctors at i-Base, and treating HIV and TB with a low CD4 count is complex.

    So it’s a good idea to speak to the doctors about how all your treatment is going. Having an allergy to sulphites used as additives in food and drink can be another reason for your rash and itching.

    Please discuss your rash with your doctors because it can be a reaction to Odimune or the TB treatment too.

  6. Khanya

    My CD4 was 4 by Aug 2019 im using TB treatment and Odimune also have recurrent ulcers what must i do to boost CD4 pitty feeling ichy.

    What must i do to increase my CD4 im allergic to sulphur also diagnose with tb im itchy also have rash now ive experience.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ernest,

    It’s a good idea to see your doctor and get the symptoms checked out. If you have another STI your doctor should give you the correct treatment.

    You don’t say what ARVs you’re taking, but any drug interactions with antibiotics can be found here: https://www.hiv-druginteractions.org

  8. Ernest

    I have been having painless sore which usually goes away by it’s own without any treatment on my genitals though I have not tested to know whether it’s syphilis but I want to take penicillin (injection) but I’m also taking ARVs

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Elias,

    The HIV drug interactions website says there’s no significant interaction between your ARVs and metronidazole.

    But can I ask how your HIV treatment is going, and what is the reason for an antibiotic?

  10. Elias

    Am on ART; Efavirenz and Zovilam(lamivudine+zidovudine). Will taking bio-metronidazole 400 have adverse conditions?


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