Q and A


Does Atroiza have interactions with TB meds?

I am taking atroiza the fixed dose ARV combination in South Africa so I want to know if it does not have any drug interaction with TB medication?



Atroiza is a once daily combination pill which contains three drugs -efavirenz, emtricibatine and tenofovir. This combination is made by several drug companies and is also called Tribuss, Trustiva, Odimune.  These are all generic versions of Atripla.

This combination can have an interaction with some TB medications that may require a dose adjustment. If Atroiza is co-administered with rifampicin to patients weighing 50 kg or more, an additional 200 mg/day (800 mg total) of efavirenz may be considered. It is important to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist as this will vary across individuals.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Didi,

    Unless your partner is positive, there’s no real reason why he’d need to take Atrozia- it’s an ARV, it’s used by people who are positive. If he is positive he might be worried about telling. The best thing to do is to have a conversation with him. If he’s positive and he’s been on ARVs for more than 3 months, his HIV should be under control. What this means is that he won’t be able to transmit the virus.

    Communication here is key.

  2. Didi


    My boyfriend is taking atroiza and he is also on TB treatment he told me that at the clinic they say is for boosting his immune system he is not HIV positive how true can this be

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Chulu,

    I’m sorry to hear you have spinal TB.

    But it’s important to talk to your doctor about this. Treating TB and HIV together needs skilled treatment. Please ask your HIV doctor and your TB doctor to work together so you get the best treatment.

  4. Chulu

    Can a person with spinal TB use Atroiza?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bomikazi,

    Atrozia is an ARV, it’s used to treat HIV. Other than TB do you also have HIV?

  6. Bomikazi

    I want to know if can someone taking TB tireatment be given antroiza pill if yes what can be the reason

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thandiwe,

    If you have a rash you need to talk to your doctor about this.


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