Q and A


My wife just started ARVs and has a rash

My wife started EFV TD4 and 3TC combination 14 days ago, the first time she has taken any ARV’s. She developed a rash over her whole body 1 week in…. how long does this usually last for?



Thanks for your question. Any rash which comes on after starting treatment should be shown to a doctor. This is because there is a small risk that this could be a serious reaction.

If your wife has already seen a doctor please see our page about rashes for more information about duration and how to cope with this.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kassaw, have you spoken to your doctor about this? Skin reactions are rare but you should seek medical advice. How long after starting treatment did you notice these symptoms?

  2. kassaw

    hello, After starting ARV drugs I have develop a painful rsh on the left upper extrimities including pals. What is shal ido?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thaliswa,

    It’s very possible that you’re having a reaction to the meds. As it sounds like it’s getting worse, you’re going to need to see your doctor again. As them to change you to another type of ARV.

  4. Thaliswa

    I started ARV january nd ma whole body have itching rush with dark spots even ma feets nd i dd discuss with my doctor gave me creams all tha staff bt it keep o spreading ma whole body
    What else can i do please help

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sydney,

    If you’ve still got an itchy rash it’s a good idea to see your doctor and let them look at it. That’s to make sure it’s not a serious reaction to your ARVs.

  6. Sydney

    I also got rush that itch yes this is my third week after l have started my ARVs

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Wendy,

    As Rebecca says above, any rash which comes on after starting treatment should be shown to a doctor. This is because there is a small risk that this could be a serious reaction.

  8. Wendy

    Hi am also taking ARVs for rush n iya itching all over my body

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Moses,

    If her skin is still feeling itchy this is something that she’ll need to discuss with a doctor.

  10. Moses

    My wife tested HIV positive and tested for tb and results for tb came negative and they her Winthrop isoniazid to protect tb along with arvs,after eight days taking treatment she developed a rash all over her body.she went back to the clinic and they gave her calamine lotion and allergex tablets. A rash disapeard but her skin is still itching.


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