Q and A


I have a question about side effects and just started treatment?

I just started Odimune last night, when I wake up during night I was feeling dizzely and my vagina outside lips burning. vagina lips are still burning, I only have this problem just have after taking Odimune.


We get lots of questions similar to this.

In general, if you have any symptoms this is something to talk to your doctor about.

i-Base can provide information but we can’t diagnose symptoms.

Although some symptoms can be side effects, sometimes they are related to other things.

Odimune includes an ARV called efavirenz, and this can make you more anxious and worried. This link has more information on efavirenz:


No ARVs have side effects that include vagina pain so this sounds like something to ask your doctor about.

Links to other common side effects questions are here:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi TM, what is the name of the PEP you are taking? and what do you mean by ‘cabins’?

  2. TM

    I started pep two days ago and my cabins is on fire also my inner thighs and foot I have had a std check they’re negative

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kea, this is not a side effect of PrEP. Please speak with your doctor if the symptom continues or gets worse.

  4. Kea

    Hey I started prep last night and woke up at night feeling dizzy and my viginal clit started burning up, even now that Im awake I Cn feel the sensation.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Naeemah, Tenemin does not cause vaginal burning. This has not been caused by treatment. Have you experienced these symptoms before? how long did the stomach cramps last? and did you experience them again?

  6. Naeemah

    Hello. I just took tenemin 1hr 30min ago and my vagina or should I say Labia feels like it’s burning, I also have mild stomach cramps.

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi, PrEP does not cause vaginal burning. Is this a new sensation? and has anything else changed? e.g., different underwear/body wash? If this feeling continues you should speak with your doctor/pharmacist about how to address this.

  8. Anonymous

    Hi I just started prep tenemine 2 hrs ago. I can not sleep. My vagina is burning. What can I do? I’m dying

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Princess, how long have you been taking PrEP? how long have you been having these symptoms?

  10. Princess

    Hie, I sta4 taking Prep tenemine my vagina itves a lot , my that thighs down to the bottom of my foot. I went to the clinic and was told ts the prep. Should I discontinue using it


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