Q and A


Can I take Sertraline with my ARVs?

I\'m on Kivexa and Raltegravir (I take both at 10pm and one Raltegravir at 10am) – I’m undetectable and last CD4 count was 884. I’ve been feeling a bit down lately and my GP has prescribed me Sertraline. Is it safe to take these with my Kivexa and Raltegravir?



Thanks for your email. I’m sorry to hear you have been feeling down. Do you have any support to help you deal with this? Sometimes counselling or support groups can be helpful alongside antidepressants. Your clinic should be able to suggest a local support service, or if you let me know where you live I will try to suggest an organisation nearby.

I have checked your drugs on HIV-druginteractions.org and there are no interactions expected between these drugs. This means there shouldn’t be any problems taking them together.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Eightysixmilliondollarman,

    Its not possible to say from your results when you were infected with HIV. However if its of any help people are often diagnosed with a CD4 count in single figures as well as a viral load well into the millions. Yor viral load isn’t that bad and your CD4 will rise once on meds. Your viral load will also drop.

    Its common to worry, but you’re going to be OK, better than actually. HIV is no longer the illness it used to be, its now a very manageable health condition. Medication is the key. Please see here:

  2. Eightysixmilliondollarman

    Hi I hope you can help, I was recently diagnosed 28/08/18 my counts came back today and I’m absolutely petrified!
    CD4 191 VL 86,00000
    Does this mean I’m at a late diagnostic stage?
    sexually I’ve been extremely frivolous!
    Could this spell reinfection/superinfection?
    I’m on co-trimixadole as a prophylactic.
    While I wait for resistance testing.
    I’m literally climbing the walls with worry
    Please help!!


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