Q and A


How long can I live on Atroiza?

I’m a girl aged 20 and I’m HIV positive. My CD4 is 174 and I’m taking atroiza.

I want to know how long can I live?



Thanks for your email.

Having HIV can sometimes be difficult. But modern treatment is very effective. It means that you can have a near-normal life expectancy and a good quality of life.

Nobody can predict how long anyone will live. This depends on things you can change (smoking, exercise, medication) and thing you can’t (genetics and bad luck).

Do you have any support to deal with being HIV positive? If you are in South Africa you could contact the Treatment Action Campaign for information about treatment and support in your area.

The i-Base Introduction to combination therapy guide also has general information about treatment.

Atroiza is a generic version of Atripla.

Please me know if you have any questions or I can help further.


  1. Robin Jakob


    Tribuss is a very widely used and effective medication. It will work by controlling your HIV and you have a very good chance of doing well on medication.

    You can find more information on starting treatment here:

  2. Tembe

    I’m Hiv positive and my CD4 is 580, the nurses advice me to start taking ARV’s and I agree . They gave me winthrop isoniazid 300mg for preventing TB , and they gave me Atroiza for HIV,I’m scared really, should I start using it?

  3. Robin Jakob


    Atroiza is a widely used and very effective HIV med.
    You can find lots of information about it, and how to take it here:

  4. lizz

    Helo am HIV positive and I just went to the clinic and they gave me Atroiza but they didn’t give me instructions, i’m scared of taking them

  5. Robin Jakob


    It is difficult to say what a life expectancy is exactly. Your results are good though. a viral load of 680 is very strong and withign the range of what is considered normal for someone who does not have HIV. As long as you keep taking your meds when you are supposed to this should continue to rise. Your viral load should also soon become undetectable.

    Many people who are on effective HIV treatment can now expect to live as long as someone that does not have HIV.

  6. francic

    I am hiv+ from 6month now My cd4 is 680 viralload 1500 i am on i taking haart what is life expectancy.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Nombuzo

    Everyone worries before starting treatment – but usually ends up being much easier than you think.

    Atroiza include a medicine called efavirenz though and this can affect your sleep and moods in the first few weeks. This gets much easier for most people but see this information is you are worried.

    Starting treatment is the best thing you can do to increase weight and protect yourself form other infections.

    Most people report a steady increase in weight over the first 6-12 months.

  8. Nombuzo

    Is my first time take Atroiza. My CD4 is 152. I am scared as I don’t want to develop symptoms of AIDS. I lost weight. What must I do to gain weight and not develop symptoms?

  9. Simon Collins


    The Nucotrim is a brand name for cotrimoxazole which contains two antibiotics. Other common brand names are Septrin and Bactrim.

    Most people only take this until their CD4 count becomes higher. Talk to your doctor about the recommendations in your country. It is generally a very good antibiotic to take so long as you don’t get a rash or other allergic reaction.

    The multivitamin may have also been prescribed because your CD4 count was low or because your doctor perhaps thought it would supplement your diet. Again, this is something that might only be until your CD4 count becomes stronger.

  10. Jabulani

    I was prescribed with 56 nucotrim tablets, Atroiza and M-vitamin. I understand atroiza, But do I have to take nucotrim and vitamin forever too? I read nucotrim is for infection, when do I stop taking it?


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