Q and A


What time should I take my ARVs?

I recently discoverd that I’m HIV and pregnant and my CD4 is above 500. I just want to know what is the right time to drink medication? Because I eat at 18h30 and drink the tablets at 19h00 is it safe?



I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but congratulations on your pregnancy!

The right time to take your medication will depend on which drugs you are taking. Can you tell me the names of the tablets you are taking?

Information about how to take different ARVs can be found on our meds page.


  1. Robin Jakob


    This happens to everyone occasionally. Overall this is not a problem and shouldn’t affect your treatment. IF this happens regularly though this could lead to resistance. This will mean your meds do not work as well.

  2. Lisa

    Is there any problem if i take my meds later than the usuall time?

  3. Simon Collins

    I can’t say whether or not you are posisitve. It sounds like you should have another test though and that the doctor explains the results.

    No one should start HIV treatment based on results from one test.

    A positive HIV test result always needs to be confrimed with a second test.

  4. Albert

    I once test positive, I was hurt then when I started my arvs for 2 month I went for blood test I then tested negative , and I stopped taking them , mind you am scared to retest again , believe me not I really need to test again , I discovered that am blood O please advice

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Melebo

    It sounds like you need to contact your clinic to describe what has happened. This is unlikely to be related to the HIV meds, but you need to talk your your doctor or nurse.

  6. malebo

    I m hiv positive pregnant women ,im on treatment ,im using antiviral drug the problem is when im drinking it my period started,i dnt now what is wrong.

  7. Simon Collins


    If you realise you have missed your meds, the general advice is to take them as soon as you remember – even if this is late.

    This is better than waiting until your next dose.

    If however, you only remember when you come to take your next dose, or if it is only an hour or two before your next dose, then do not take the original meds. You don’t want to take double doses of HIV meds.

    Everyone misses the odd dose or is occasionally late – so try not to get too stressed about this :)

  8. gladness

    hello.i just want to know dat,if i couldnt take my arv at the usual time can i take it even if the time is passed or should i take it the following day?
    Stresst.hiv+ patient.

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Busisiwe, what do you mean by an arm problem? Your brother should discuss any symptoms with a doctor.

  10. busisiwe

    My brother is hiv n takin hs meds bt he has an arm problm wts de cause of dat


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