Q and A


What time should I take my ARVs?

I recently discoverd that I’m HIV and pregnant and my CD4 is above 500. I just want to know what is the right time to drink medication? Because I eat at 18h30 and drink the tablets at 19h00 is it safe?



I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but congratulations on your pregnancy!

The right time to take your medication will depend on which drugs you are taking. Can you tell me the names of the tablets you are taking?

Information about how to take different ARVs can be found on our meds page.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vann,

    This all depends on what ARVs it is that you’re taking. What are you taking?

  2. Vann

    Is it true that the best way to take the ARVS is 2 hour before and 2 hours after eating?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pumza,
    Its fine to take your meds a few hours either side of your normal time, this won’t be an issue.

  4. Pumza

    Hi im supposed to take my medication at 07:00 but i take them past 7 but not after 7 so i would like to know if its a problem im using ternofevr,lamivudine and neverapine

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Precious,

    This sounds really difficult. Feeling dizzy after taking Tribuss is a reported side effect. So that’s why it says to take them at bedtime. But can you talk to the sister and ask for meds that don’t contain efavirenz? That’s the drug in Tribuss that can make you feel dizzy. Other ARVs can be taken at any time of day. These sound as though they are best for you and your shift work.

    If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign. They might be able to help get you different meds.

  6. Precious

    Hi I’ve started taking ARV’s (tribuss) or the same combination of drugs but with a different manufacturer/s since 1-1-2013 but my problem is that i work shifts and i still feel dizzy after taking them on my night shift 21h00 and reported this at my local clinic then i was told I can take them as I go to bed but recently on the 13-11-2018 went for check up the sister whom I spoke to told me I shouldn’t confuse my body by taking the drug according shifts I should only take them at the same time irregardless of my shifts because my viral load is not changing to be undetected so I must drink them at the same time but because of the dizzy feeling I must drink lots of water to dilute the drug but not drink it as I go to bed because of my shifts .Now I’m so confused because I get dizzy and worse I drive from work to home after the night shifts. please help what must I do?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Fanzero,

    Trivenz is a generic version of Atripla. For how it should be taken and what to expect, please see here:


  8. Fanzero

    Hi there

    I am on Trivenz, what is the best time to take them cause when I take them in the morning after breakfast sometimes im just fine other I feel sleepy and dizzy/ fuzzy im not sure what causes all of that.

    also is it advisible to eat them at the same time always – is there any effect to this

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sonto,

    This depends on the meds that you’re taking. What is it that you’re taking? If its a generic version of Atripla, then yes you can take these just before you go to bed.

  10. Sonto

    Hi my name is Sonto, i want to know which is the best time to take my medication. I heard that it is 20hoo pm, but my problem is that i’m working different shifts. And when i can’t take them when i’m doing night shift because i’m getting dizzy at work. So can i take them anytime before i go to bed?


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