Q and A


What time should I take my ARVs?

I recently discoverd that I’m HIV and pregnant and my CD4 is above 500. I just want to know what is the right time to drink medication? Because I eat at 18h30 and drink the tablets at 19h00 is it safe?



I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but congratulations on your pregnancy!

The right time to take your medication will depend on which drugs you are taking. Can you tell me the names of the tablets you are taking?

Information about how to take different ARVs can be found on our meds page.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Pretty, Atrioza is best taken just before you go to sleep. It is important to either not eat for two hour before this, or to only eat food with low fat content. See this link for information on the best ways to take Atroiza.

  2. Pretty

    Hi.i’m taking Atroiza so i want to know the best time of taking it. I am taking it after 9 pm.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Siyanda, what are the names of your ARVs and the other pills? All meds should come with instructions for how to take them.

  4. siyanda

    I recently got my first ARV’s and I understand when and how to take them but my question is when can I take the other pills that come with ARV’s for the first time?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Gugu, everyone forgets their meds occasionally and this is fine. Try to do the best you can and talk to your doctor about this. Is there a reason you are missing meds?

  6. gugu

    hi, what will happen if i skip one or two pills?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Gugu, Atenef needs to be taken just before you go to bed. More most people this is at night – for example at 10 pm or 11 pm etc.

    Also, please don’t eat for the two hours before. A snack is okay, but not anything with high fat content.

  8. gugu

    when can i take my arvs? I take Atenef

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Rhulani, talking to your boyfriend might be better than making assumptions. Medical information is personal and confidential, so he might not want to do this. Being on effective HIV treatment makes it very difficult to transmit HIV even without a condom.

  10. Rhulani

    Hi i just find out that my 6months boyfriend he’s HIV positive he didn’t tell me i found a bottle of berocca boost with strange pill inside then i did a reaserch and find out that its an ARV’s i imediatley consulted not infected yet but i’m waiting for my 3months period should i take ARV’s before i know for sure or should i waint for another test?


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