Q and A


What time should I take my ARVs?

I recently discoverd that I’m HIV and pregnant and my CD4 is above 500. I just want to know what is the right time to drink medication? Because I eat at 18h30 and drink the tablets at 19h00 is it safe?



I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis but congratulations on your pregnancy!

The right time to take your medication will depend on which drugs you are taking. Can you tell me the names of the tablets you are taking?

Information about how to take different ARVs can be found on our meds page.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Shan,

    Having a rash can be a sign that you’re having rare side effects. Therefore, its important that you talk to your doctor about this as soon as you can.

  2. shan

    Hi,I found out that I have HIV in November of last year and I started taking tenofovir about 3 weeks ago.. 5 days ago I noticed a red rash at first just on my hands and in a few more days almost on my entire body, its been itching me like crazy and so I tried using calamine lotion, DPH antihistamine and I also tried using hydrocortisone cream for the rash and to ease the itching a bit but none of them work for over an hour. I don’t know what else to do in terms of the itching…. What do you suggest I do???
    How long do you think this rash and itching will last???

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Luffy,

    Saliva isn’t food, therefore there is no need to spit it out.

  4. Luffy

    Hi, I want to know during the waiting period after having dinner and before I take my pills, is not eating anything at that time mean I must spit out my saliva aswell??

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Neli,

    Its recommended to take tribuss at night because this can help reduce side effects. However, because we are all different, you could take it in the morning if this works better for you.

  6. neli

    Is it wrong if I take tribuss in the morning?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vuyo,

    Its recommend that people who take ARVs that contain efavirenz should take them before bed. This is because it can help reduce any possible side effects. However, this varies from person to person. If you work nights, then yes you can take them in the morning before you go to sleep.

    What’s important is that you take them, and at a time that works for you.

  8. Vuyo

    At the clinic I was told to take my med when I go to bed. Does it matter whether its 08:00 or 22:00, just as long as its before I go to bed?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Patricia,

    What meds are you taking?

  10. patricia

    hi cn I take my ARVs with my meal?bcz I eat 19:30 and 20:00 I take my medication


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