Q and A


Overdosing on ARVs

I over dosed ARVs with the intention of killing my self but i just felt dizzy and vomitted alot. Could my organs be in danger?



Please contact your doctor.

This is so he or she can go through the details of what you took and decide on appropriate medical care.

Your clinic can also help talk about the reasons why you did this and help see other options for your future that are going to be better.

If you were sick soon after taking the meds it is likely that they are out of your body and so the risk of long-term damage is likely to be low – but this is something a doctor needs to decide.

Why did you feel so low?

I hope you are feeling better now and that you contact your clinic so they can help.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Dee,

    I’m so sorry to hear about your wife. Getting an HIV positive diagnosis can be a tough time for all of us. And it can take a while to gain self confidence.

    But it’s important that your wife talks to the doctor about depression and feelings about killing herself. This is really important because the main drug in Atripla, which is efavirenz, has been linked to depression and suicidal thoughts.

    Please see this guide to CNS (central nervous system) side effects and efavirenz. In some people, CNS side effects can lead to or worsen depression, including suicidal feelings and paranoia. It is very important therefore that you are aware that such moods swings can be related to efavirenz and that you are not ‘going mad’.

    Please can your wife talk to the doctor about this? She can ask them if there is psychological support to help her through this very difficult time. And she can discuss changing treatment too.

  2. Dee

    Two years ago my wife was diagnosed HIV positive, she has been using Atripla ever since. Since the diagnosis she has lost a lot of her self confidence, I did not reject her from the day that she was diagnosed and we are still together, I have tried to understand her depression but it is extremely difficult for me as I am not going through the same turmoil. She has threatened a number of times to kill herself and it is truly scaring me. Our marriage is hanging on a thread as her mindset is negatively affecting the way in which she deals with various issues and we are continually fighting.
    Please help.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lerato,

    Taking two pills in the same day isn’t going to kill you. You’ll be fine. ARVs are supposed to be taken daily so its important that you don’t skip taking your meds.

  4. Lerato

    Hey I’m Lerato
    I once took two Arv’s the same day,one in the morning and one in the afternoon the I skiped drinking them for about three days
    Am I going to die because I could feel when I’m breathing that my chest are painful

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Seanokeng,

    It’s a good idea to carry on taking just one tablet. Please talk to your doctor soon and explain the mistake. You can ask for a check up including tests, such as for kidney function.


    I have recently started triumeq on 1st November 2018 after changing from kivexa and alluvia. I was instructed to take one tablet daily but because I have since gotten use of taking more than one , imistakenly took two tablets daile , one in the morning and one in the evening. I have done it for ten days and I have just realised the error. is my health at risk of having done so?. should I skip days without taking it so that they donot finish up before the month end?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anonymous,

    I’m so sorry that you feel lonely and shattered.

    But it sounds like you need some real support. Is there someone close who could help and give you some support? You can ask at the clinic for professional help too. Or there might be an HIV support group near you.

    As a person who’s HIV positive I know that there can be tough times. But it’s true that even with HIV you can have a great life. Many HIV positive people have found somebody to accept the situation and to love them.

  8. Anonymous

    I tried to kill myself cause my dreams to be around the World are done, I feel like everything is shattered. away from me. I feel lonely now, send me despite the fact of my mom being around me. I feel like I’ll never have a family. Cause it’s hard to find somebody who’ll accept my situation.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Liyema,

    You’re a 17 year old young man who has his whole life ahead of them. Yes you may be positive, but this doesn’t mean that your life is without purpose, or that you can’t have a wonderful life.

    In most countries, especially those where rates of HIV are high there are often organisations that work with young people. Getting in contact with one of these may help. You’d be able to talk to other young people who were born with HIV and see that that life can be great. In the UK we have one called CHIVA:


    Though i-base can offer you some support, we aren’t trained counselors. We do however know what its like to be living with HIV as most of use who work for i-base are positive.

  10. Liyema

    Hi . I’m a 17 years old male. Unfortunately I was born with HIV. During the past 2 years life has been extremely hard and I have been having suicidal thoughts. Sometimes they occur while I’m still at school causing me not to focus well. I’m that guy at school who is always alone and socially awkward so I don’t have anyone to talk. Talking to family is not an option because things are that bad… I can’t even have a descent conversation with my parents.

    Growing up I was always too short too underweight and not good enough for anything. Things are still like that. Everyday I wake up without a purpose, my life has value. I’m just a talentless and stupid person. I don’t even have the confidence to stand in front of the class let alone walk with my chin up. I’ve turned to smoking to keep my thoughts minimal but nothing is working.

    It’s safe to say that dying is the only way to put an end to pain


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