Q and A


Overdosing on ARVs

I over dosed ARVs with the intention of killing my self but i just felt dizzy and vomitted alot. Could my organs be in danger?



Please contact your doctor.

This is so he or she can go through the details of what you took and decide on appropriate medical care.

Your clinic can also help talk about the reasons why you did this and help see other options for your future that are going to be better.

If you were sick soon after taking the meds it is likely that they are out of your body and so the risk of long-term damage is likely to be low – but this is something a doctor needs to decide.

Why did you feel so low?

I hope you are feeling better now and that you contact your clinic so they can help.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Bonga,

    I’m so sorry to hear your news. It sounds like a very tough time. But please contact your doctor.

    This is so he or she can go through the details of what you took and decide on appropriate medical care.

    Your clinic can also help talk about the reasons why you did this and help see other options for your future that are going to be better.

    If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign at this contact link. They could help with local support.

  2. Bonga

    Yesterday I took about 20 HIV treatment pills because I wanted to kill myself, I vomited early this morning and now I’m feeling tired

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ntando,

    Please contact your doctor.

    This is so he or she can go through the details of what you took and decide on appropriate medical care.

    Your clinic can also help talk about the reasons why you did this and help see other options for your future that are going to be better.

    Did you take all these tabelts because you were feeling very low? Why did you feel so low? It’s important that you contact your clinic so they can help.

  4. Ntando

    I just took 4ARV and pyridoxine 25mg tablet each has 26 pills inside I have double it that means I took 51 of them plus 51tablet of Winthrop isonaizid 300 mg so am I going to die because I don’t fee anything right now

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thembisa,

    Taking a double dose is not great as you will get more side effects, but this is likely to be okay.

    Better to get a pill box so you can see each day whether to not you have taken your meds. these are cheap and work really well.

    Please see these tips that help you take your tablets in the right way.

  6. Thembisa


    My name is Thembisa I just took two tablets of my FDC ARV tablet without noticing, I’m now worried something is gonna go wrong, I have never done that before.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cecilia,

    Stocrin contains efavirenz which is linked to sleep disturbance. And d4T is no longer recommended here in the UK due to side effects.

    So it looks like it might have been a good idea to change these meds. But if you are still tired and sleeping too much after this switch you can talk to the doctor about changing your meds again to something new.

    If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign at this contact link. They can give local support.

  8. Cecilia

    Hi,I’m 12yrs now taking my ARVs ALUVIA and TENEMINE but I’m always tired I sleeping too long the tiredness never stop what to The doctor changed my medication from Stockrin,D4T and 3TC the ones above,What to do next worried me

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Fexile,

    Please contact your doctor because some HIV meds might have a serious overdose risk. This is especially important with efavirenz and nevirapine but also some other drugs.

    Please also talk to a doctor about how you are feeling.

    If you’re feeling suicidal or depressed due to your status, it’s important to realize that HIV is no longer the health condition it used to be. HIV is easy to treat and as long as you take medication there’s no reason why you can’t have a long and healthy life.
    It’s also very possible to have a negative child. I’m positive and my daughter is negative.

  10. Fezile

    I have took 20 Arvs same time and i am 5 months pregnent jst wanted to kill myself


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