Q and A


I am undetectable, can I infect my boyfriend?


I am undetectable for a few years now and a good cd4 count. I had unprotected sex with my bf a few times and would like to know how likely is it that I may have infected him?

He is negative. There was no ejaculation but may have been some pre-cum. I am female.



Thanks for your email. If you are undetectable, you have excellent adherence and you don’t have any sexually transmitted infections the risk of infecting your boyfriend is very low, close to zero. This doesn’t mean that it is impossible, just that it is very unlikely.

This is explained in the Swiss statement, which is also discussed on this page of our pregnancy guide. Have a look there for more information and then let me know if you have any questions.


  1. Mike

    I have a girl friend which we have been have unprocted sex for the past seven Month, I went back to my place of work, after a month I came to her we have unprotected sex for. Dr. Told me I can still marry but I will still run another test after three month. Can we unprocted sex?

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Robert, if your girlfirend is HIV positive, then her meds (called ART) will be prescribed by her doctor. This guide has more infomration about HIV and treatment if it is good to read more.
    Drug choice will vary depending on where you live andthe health systmem in your country.

  3. Robert Scott

    my girlfriend is HIV positive but her C4 count is supposed to be low but as far as I know she doesn’t take any medication can you give me a list of medications usually people take 4 HIV and can I get infected

  4. cuteney

    Yes you can give birth to a negative health baby . always go for check ups and always adhere to your treatment.

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Sarah

    It sounds like your boyfriend is taking HIV meds and that his viral load is undetectable. He will always be HIV positive though. If this is the case, then this dramatically reduces the risk of you catching HIV.

    This is good for his health and should also help with the Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS).

    You are not at risk of developing KS from kissing. The KS virus (called HHV-8) is very common in adults who are sexually active and it is usually harmless. The KS virus only leads to KS in HIV positive people, usually when they have a low CD4 count.

    As long as you are negative, your body will not let the KS-virus develop into KS.

  6. sarah

    Hullo my hiv+ boyfriend told me he checked and hiv was not detected in his blood, does that mean his negative?
    He also has kaposi sarcoma and on chemotherapy is it fine for us to kiss? Cause I read somewhere that kaposi sarcoma cam be transmitted through saliva.
    Note: I am negative

  7. Simon Collins


    You are asking about two things that are not connected.

    The risk of transmitting HIV to your partner is related to your viral load and not your CD4 count. Many people, even with a good CD4 count, start HIV treatment in order to reduce this risk to their partner.

    If you want to try for a baby and your partner is HIV negative, talk to your doctor about using HIV treatment. See this link.

  8. Jack

    Can an HIV positive man with a CD4 count above 550, get a woman pregnant without her getting infected?

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Muriel,
    Please see our FAQs about having a baby where your questions are already answered. If you still have questions after looking there please let me know and I will try my best to help.

  10. Muriel

    Hi there!
    I am a 45 year HIV+ woman with a cd4 count of above 700 and undetectable viral load – less than 40. I am in a serious relationship with a HIV negative guy. He refused to practise safe sex meaning we are not using condoms. We planned to get married in the nearest future( both of us have kids of our own all negative) but he desperately want us to have a baby but I’m scared that our child might be HIV+. First question can I give birth to a HIV negative baby? Secondly what are the chances that transmission can take place.


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