Q and A


My CD4 count has dropped after 6 months on ARVs


Please I need your help

I started taking ARV drugs with a CD4 count of 410. After 6 months I did a test, only to find out that my CD4 count has reduced to 303.

Please help me my HIV doctor only said that I should continue with the drugs which are nevirapine, z, and L (3-in one regime). The doctor added septrin and immunace to it and said I should come back in November for a CD4 count.

Presently, am in a relationship , please help me with the right drugs or supplement to take so that my CD4 count will increase and viral load will become undetectable.

Help me I am so sad.

Also please how effective is Qina in increasing CD4 count?



Thank-you for your email. I am sorry to hear how worried you are.

I don’t recognise the names you have given for two of the drugs in your regime – L and Z. These might refer to lamivudine and zidovudine which can be combined in one pill with nevirapine, sometimes called Duovir. Please can you check this and get back to me so that I know which drugs you are taking?

Can you also let me know whether your viral load is being measured? When somebody is on treatment the viral load is the best way to check that treatment is working well. Unfortunately this isn’t available in all countries though so this will depend on where you live.

If viral load testing is not available your doctor will need to use your CD4 count results to evaluate whether treatment is working properly. S/he will want to see at your next check in November whether this has continued to decrease, or if this has started to go up. If your CD4 count does continue to decrease it is important that your doctor looks into changing your treatment as this could be a sign that you have some resistance and that treatment is not working for you.  One CD4 count test result is not enough to tell you whether this is the case or not.

It is important to make sure that you are taking your meds everyday and not missing any doses or being late taking them. This will give you the best chance of this treatment working for you.

Qina does not have any impact on the CD4 count.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Julius.

    Are you on medication?

  2. Julius

    What are the main causes for drop of cd4 count. Mine dropped from 1202 to 200

  3. Nordia

    Haven’t taken my pills for six months

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nordia,

    What is it that you’d like to know?


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