Q and A


Why have I been given Tribuss – is this an ARV?

I started taking Tribuss about two weeks ago.

I’d like to know what are the side effects of this medication and what is the difference between them and ARVs.

I was shocked when my doctor prescribed me with Tribuss instead of ARVs which I’m familiar with when people are HIV+?



Thanks for your email. How are you doing?

Tribuss is a pill that contains three HIV drugs (ARVs) – efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir DF.

It is one of the generic versions of the brand-name drug Atripla. For a picture of Tribuss see this link.

So your doctor has prescribed you ARVs, and this pill is very effective at treating HIV.

Side effects mainly related to the efavirenz. These include mood changes, sleep problems, vivid dreams (sometimes nightmares). Luckily, for most people, these usually get easier within the first few weeks. If not though, please talk to your doctor about different choices.

This link has more information about efavirenz side effects and how to manage them.

You guide is an Introduction to ART.

Because you are in South Africa, the Treatment Action Campaign may also have more information about treatment and support in SA.

Note: This answer was updated in February 2018 from a question first posted online in October 2013.


  1. lili

    I have been taking for 3 years am running up and down with Gastroenterologist a liver specialist i have a liver failure since January i have tried everything they keep telling me that liver is one of the organ that recovers it self i should wait now the have stopped me on taking anything.

  2. nokwazi

    hello Guys , I’ve been taking tribuss is for two months now, I had a terrible rash all over the body,on the face, on feet, every where, I went to see a doctor he just gave me calamine lotion. it will fade away in no time ,give it two weeks. I’m ok now,but it is important to see your your doctor to see if your liver is not affected.

    yes you will pass light stool ,and you will be visiting the toilet very often , but only for few weeks(maximum 2 weeks). I never felt dizzy or headache when I started on tribuss, i think it differ from person

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jessica,

    Side effects associated with Tribuss usually last a few weeks, however in some cases these can last longer. If you’re still feeling back in a week or so it might be worth visiting your doctor.

  4. Jessica

    I have started taking tribuss two weeks ago I feel sick, tired, and hungry all the time how long does side effects last

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mpumi,

    Weight loss can be due to numerous things. Also, when you say weight loss, how much do you mean?

  6. Mpumi

    I’m on tribuss. My problem is that I’m losing weight day by day and I sometimes have a running stomach though this is not so bad. I started treatment June 2016. Can this be my main concern?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Miss T,

    If you’ve got a rash you’ll to talk to your doctor about this. This is because, though it may be something minor, it could also be a sign of a serious side effect.

  8. Miss T

    I started tribus last week and my body has rash what can I do?

  9. Peteos

    I started taking Tribuss on the 05/09/17. I’ve got a rash on my back and under my arm, is that normal?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Peteos,

    Though having a rash can be nothing, it can also be a sign of a serious side effect, therefore its important that you see your doctor. They will be able to help you.


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