Q and A


Why have I been given Tribuss – is this an ARV?

I started taking Tribuss about two weeks ago.

I’d like to know what are the side effects of this medication and what is the difference between them and ARVs.

I was shocked when my doctor prescribed me with Tribuss instead of ARVs which I’m familiar with when people are HIV+?



Thanks for your email. How are you doing?

Tribuss is a pill that contains three HIV drugs (ARVs) – efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir DF.

It is one of the generic versions of the brand-name drug Atripla. For a picture of Tribuss see this link.

So your doctor has prescribed you ARVs, and this pill is very effective at treating HIV.

Side effects mainly related to the efavirenz. These include mood changes, sleep problems, vivid dreams (sometimes nightmares). Luckily, for most people, these usually get easier within the first few weeks. If not though, please talk to your doctor about different choices.

This link has more information about efavirenz side effects and how to manage them.

You guide is an Introduction to ART.

Because you are in South Africa, the Treatment Action Campaign may also have more information about treatment and support in SA.

Note: This answer was updated in February 2018 from a question first posted online in October 2013.


  1. Jessica

    Hi is the long active injection available in South Africa, if yes is it wise to change from tribuss and using it

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Patty,

    As long as your sons HIV is stable, this won’t be an issue. A few hours either side is OK.

  3. patty

    My son is taking tribuss what worries me is
    He supposed to take it at 7h45pm
    But sometimes he come late he took it at 10h00pm some after 10h00pm

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Frank,

    How long have you been taking the tribuss for? Have you talked to your doctor about this?

  5. Frank

    I was diagnosed with hiv and I was given tribuss it’s causes a serious burn on my body and I can’t sleep well at night

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Anonymous,

    Tribuss is a safe and effective treatment. Have you talked to your husband about U=U? The good news is that having an undetectable viral load means that HIV cannot be transmitted.

    There’s more info about U=U here.

  7. Anonymous

    I have just find out that my husband has been taking tribuss, when I confronted him he admitted that he started taking arv’s in 2010. What are my chances?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Rebecca,

    You need to get your meds when it works for you. It is however important to try not to miss taking them as ARVs need to be taken daily.

  9. Rebecca

    Hi I’ve been diagnosed with Aids last year and given treatment named tribus tablets. I was supposed to collect them on Tuesday but they’re finished today can I get them tomorrow ?

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Linda,

    It’s good that you’re on ARVs. What ARVs are they and what are your CD4 and viral load results? However, fat loss is no longer reported with modern HIV treatment.

    But you can talk to the doctor and ask about advice on diet to help keep your weight up. You can also see this balanced diet section in the guide to side effects and quality of life. This gives examples of healthy calorie rich food that might help you put on weight.


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