Q and A


Can I get pregnant with a CD4 count of 360?

Does my CD4 count have an impact on the development of the baby if I get pregnant?

Is there a recommended level of CD4 count before getting pregnant?. I am HIV-positive and my viral load is undetectable, so is my partner.

I want to have a baby but am worried that my CD4 is so low at 360.


Thanks for your question and for letting us answer it online.

Your current CD4 count is very good. Responses to treatment are very individual, and without knowing your treatment history it is difficult to comment further. However, many women have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies with similar CD4 counts.

Just as importantly, your viral load is undetectable, and if it stay this low through the pregnancy and during birth, then the risk of your baby being infected with HIV is incredibly low – perhaps less than 1-2%.

If you and your partner want to try for a baby now, there is no reason why your current CD4 count should stop you.

It is a good idea to speak to your doctor in case there is other support that you can get,

The i-Base guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health looks at all aspects of HIV and pregnancy.


  1. Simon Collins


    When trying for a baby, it is the mothers CD4 count that is most important.

    Sometimes if this is low – for example if it is less than 200 or perhaps even higher, a doctor might recommend using HIV treatment for longer until the CD4 count gets a bit higher.

    As your CD4 count is very strong, this is something that you can discuss with your doctor now.

    During pregnancy, it is normal for the CD4 count to drop a little, but this usually returns to normal afterwards.

    Your doctor may suggest going on treatment once you are pregnant (or even before) if you are not already taking HIV meds.

    See this link for a guide to HIV and pregnancy.

  2. Estaj

    Hi. My CD4 count is 555 while my husband’s is 200. We want to have a baby, but we need to know the required CD4 level we should attain before trying for a baby. Can you advise me please, thanks.

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Lulu,
    If you viral load has gone from undetectable to 150 it is important to get this checked by your doctor. This could be a blip, or you might have developed some resistance to your treatment. There’s information about this on this page.

    Do you have any symptoms?

  4. lulu

    My cd4 was 650 when i give birth
    and vl undetacted now is 350
    vl 150 in 3 mnts.what wrong

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Thanks Dolly, good luck!

  6. Dolly

    Being HIV positive does not mean that you cant have children, as long as you talk to your doctor before deciding to have a baby. I am HIV positive and i am planning to have a baby soon but i will make sure i consult my doctor first. Cant wait to hold him in my hands……

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Charlie,
    What is your CD4? Are you only on Bactrim, or on ARVs too? If you are not on ARVs your CD4 count will continue to decrease until you start.

    Your boyfriend should get tested. Just because you are HIV positive doesn’t automatically mean he is too. There are lots of couples where one person is positive and the other negative. It’s important that he finds out so that he can either protect himself by using condoms, or so that he can be monitored and start treatment if he needs this.

  8. charlie

    I hv started using bactrim n ma boyfriend has not yet tested bt aSsumes his positive,w’v been trying fo a baby nine months back and not succeded n now ma cd4 has droped,wot can we do

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Please see our FAQs on having a baby, and let me know if you have any questions!

  10. Ngunji

    How can we make a baby,im positive on arvs, he is not positive.


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