Q and A


Can I get pregnant with a CD4 count of 360?

Does my CD4 count have an impact on the development of the baby if I get pregnant?

Is there a recommended level of CD4 count before getting pregnant?. I am HIV-positive and my viral load is undetectable, so is my partner.

I want to have a baby but am worried that my CD4 is so low at 360.


Thanks for your question and for letting us answer it online.

Your current CD4 count is very good. Responses to treatment are very individual, and without knowing your treatment history it is difficult to comment further. However, many women have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies with similar CD4 counts.

Just as importantly, your viral load is undetectable, and if it stay this low through the pregnancy and during birth, then the risk of your baby being infected with HIV is incredibly low – perhaps less than 1-2%.

If you and your partner want to try for a baby now, there is no reason why your current CD4 count should stop you.

It is a good idea to speak to your doctor in case there is other support that you can get,

The i-Base guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health looks at all aspects of HIV and pregnancy.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomhle,

    Being positive has nothing to do with the chances of you being able to conceive or not. Therefore, this is something that you’ll need to speak to your gynecologist about.

  2. nomhle

    Hi I’m HIV positive and I don’t know My CD4 count for now… but last time I tested which it was last year August. It was 860 and was told I should wait and come back this year February for futher tests which I couldn’t.

    May this year I had ectopic pregnancy and had to be taken for surgery to remove the pregnancy… which I practically have one tube left..

    Yet again I’m still trying to concieve.. Wednesday I’ll be going for My blood tests so I can start treatment.

    So My question is, is it all possible to still conceive?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pushy,

    I’m sorry to hear about your miscarriage.

    In relation to your question, there is no direct link between taking ARVs and miscarrying a child. Therefore, if you feel like you are ready to try again for a baby, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t.

  4. Pushy

    Hi I started ARVs last year March and my CD4 count has picked up to 649 from 210, and viral load is undetectable. It was initially above 10 000.
    Last year August I fell pregnant but unfortunately had a miscarriage. I’m scared of falling pregnant again as I don’t know what caused the loss of the previous pregnancy.
    Is it the right time for us to try again?

  5. Robin Jakob


    Many couples like your with one positive and one negative partner safely have HIV negative children. This is now mostly done using HIV treatment.

    You can find more information about this here:

  6. John

    What are the chances of having kids in a natural way if a wife is HIV posite and husband is negative.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Disebo

    If you had a reaction against your first combination, your clinic should recommend a new combination of meds.

    There is still plenty of time for the next combination to work before your baby is born. This will dramatically increase the chance that everything will be okay with your baby.

  8. Disebo

    My cd4 count its 766 and my body rejected ARV im 19weeks pregnant will my baby infected after birth

  9. Robin Jakob


    I can tell you that your HIV will not affect your chances of getting pregnant. You can talk to a doctor or clinic about wether your previous termination would affect your chances on conceiving again.

  10. nandipha

    I was on Effavirenz and Lamzid but my body rejected the drugs because whenever the doctors took blood to check the cd4 count and viral load it concerns them becuase cd4 count is dropping n viral load is increasing drastically. Then they introduced me into 2nd regimen. Now what I would like to know is that in 2009 I was pregnant but had to terminate it due to ectopic pregnancy, now I need to know my chances of getting pregnant again in this situation how slim they are?


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