Q and A


Can I get pregnant with a CD4 count of 360?

Does my CD4 count have an impact on the development of the baby if I get pregnant?

Is there a recommended level of CD4 count before getting pregnant?. I am HIV-positive and my viral load is undetectable, so is my partner.

I want to have a baby but am worried that my CD4 is so low at 360.


Thanks for your question and for letting us answer it online.

Your current CD4 count is very good. Responses to treatment are very individual, and without knowing your treatment history it is difficult to comment further. However, many women have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies with similar CD4 counts.

Just as importantly, your viral load is undetectable, and if it stay this low through the pregnancy and during birth, then the risk of your baby being infected with HIV is incredibly low – perhaps less than 1-2%.

If you and your partner want to try for a baby now, there is no reason why your current CD4 count should stop you.

It is a good idea to speak to your doctor in case there is other support that you can get,

The i-Base guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health looks at all aspects of HIV and pregnancy.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sarah,
    Many women have had healthy HIV negative babies when taking ARVs. But you can talk to the doctor about this and ask them to find out if there’s another reason why.
    And you can find lots of info about having a baby when taking ARVs in this guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

  2. Sarah

    Hello, My name is Sarah. I have been trying to get pregnant but unfortunately I have not been able to for the past Three years after my first child. Could it be that the ARVs am taking is preventing me from getting pregnant.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sarah,
    As Lisa says here, being on treatment is the best way to protect your baby from HIV. A viral load of 150 is low. But you can read much more about HIV pregnancy and women’s health in this guide.

  4. Sarah

    Hi doc I’m seven month pregnant I’m HIV ,I started my treatment above two month pregnant, my cd4 is 506 vl of 15o tell me if my child she on risk

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Lilian, Women around the world have taken HIV drugs safely in pregnancy now for over 20 years. You can ask the doctor for any reasons why you haven’t been able to get pregnant. But meantime here is a guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health. Best wishes.


    Hello, My name is lilian. I have been trying to get pregnant but unfortunately I have not been able to. The doctor has told me that My CD4 is good. Could it be that the ARVs am taking is preventing me from getting pregnant.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lulu,

    Though your CD4 is 174, they go much lower.

    When someone is pregnant, what’s important is there viral load. Do you know what yours is? Noe that you’re on medication your viral load will decrease, this is important.

    At this stage its not possible to say if your baby will be born negative or not. The meds will help though. For more info about HIV and pregnancy, please see here:


  8. Lulu

    Hello my CD4 account is 173, and am 14 weeks pregnant and started taking ART last month will my baby be infected by the I deliver, as my CD4 IS SO LOW. please help.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Veeny, A CD4 count of 653 is within the range for someone who is HIV negative. So the good news is that this should not affect getting pregnant. But it’s important to be taking HIV treatment (ART) to help protect your baby from HIV. You can read more info here in the guide to HIV pregnancy and women’s health.

  10. veeny

    hello, my CD4 count is 653 can this affect me on getting pregnant?


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