Q and A


Why is my viral load undetectable without treatment?

Hello I tested positive twice and both times my viral load is undetectable before starting any ARVs.

Is that possible? And what does that mean?

Thank you



Thanks for your email. It is very unusual to have an undetectable viral load without treatment, but a very small proportion of HIV positive people, known as elite controllers, have undetectable viral loads less than 50 copies/mL for years without treatment. This is very rare and only about 1-in-300 HIV positive people are elite controllers.

It is important to continue to have your viral load monitored, and also to check your CD4 count. The CD4 count measures how strong your immune system is- have you had this test done?

If your CD4 count is high, and your viral load remains undetectable it is unlikely you will need to take ARVs at this time, but it is important to keep being monitored for any changes.


  1. Shannon

    Hello, Is it possible to test negative twice fir hiv after being told in 03 you are positive fir hiv. I went and got tested in 2018 and 2020 both came back negative and i haven’t been taking medication

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dhnis, there is no risk to you becoming HIV positive. This is regardless of when you choose to have sex with your partner. There is no risk because she is undetectable. Have you heard of U=U? This is an awareness campaign that means when someone is undetectable, they are also untransmissable – unable to pass on HIV sexually. https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

    This will also mean there is very little risk to the baby. Less than 1% of women living with HIV have babies who are HIV positive. This is further reduced when mother is on appropriate treatment and follow medical advice.

    I understand why you may feel more comfortable taking PrEP, but in this instance there is no need. Also PrEP is completely effective. With your partner being undetectable and yourself on PrEP, you will not become HIV positive.

  3. Dhins

    I am Dhins from Zim,i am in a relationship with an hiv positive lady whose viral load is undetectable and i am negative. The lady is in dire need of a baby and i am a scared to have unprotected sex with her only the period she will be on ovulation. Another option which is there for us is insemination which i am also not intrested in. How safe is it for me to have unprotected sex with her during the period she will be on ovulation. I am also taking PreP to ensure i am a bit protected. I love her coz she was just unfortunate to contact the virus from an abusive person
    Help with the best possible way to do

    Regards Dhins

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Alex, thanks for sharing. How long have you been on ART now? I have had to remove your email. I-base does not operate as an open forum and sharing personal details goes against data protection policy.

  5. Alex

    Hello Pam!Im from Greece!I tested for hiv 2 years ago and i was positive.After a month without treatment art i get tested from the hospital again and i was undetectable.My doctor was excited.Im undetectable till now but i have to take art.

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pam,

    Did you have your blood tests the same time you started your ARVs? HIV medication works very quickly and usually within the first month your viral load will be undetectable. This means you cannot transmit HIV as long as you stay compliant with your medication. As for your CD4 count 609 is great. Above 500 is considered ‘normal’. It sounds all is going well with your HIV management.

  7. Pam

    hi i have tested for HIV last month and i had found out that i am Positive, at the clinic advised e to take ARV same time, they took my blood to check my CD4count and viral load and other diseases all came negative, my cd4 count is 609 but the viral load results none what does this mean?

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Jose, thanks for the details. I think you are saying that your viral load stayed undetectable without treatment? If yes, then this can sometimes happen, but it is very rare. Do you now know your CD4 count? This is also important. Please ask your doctor or the lab for these results. I can comment more if you send these.

  9. Jose

    I stopped taking medication for 5 years it is now 2021 in January or maybe February of this year I final went back to see the doctors I avoided for year because my family was concerned. I told my doctor it’s been 5 years without medication, he went on telling me most likely I already had aids. So he sent me for labs. Which take about 2 weeks, for results, but my appointment with him wasn’t for a month from the date I saw him when he sent me for labs.I wasn’t set up for getting my medication yet. I didn’t go for about 2 weeks from the day I saw him. Got set up to receive medication from the LGBT source center. Took about another week for me to finally get paper work done and all the appointments. Few days after I received medication, the day after I got my medication I went in to see the doctor for my results. He said everything was fine with all the results but for some reason. He said he didn’t receive that labs that would show my hiv status cd4 count all that good stuff. Took more labs that same day exactly 2 weeks after I went in to see him for results. And I was undetectable. I had only been on medication for 1 day the next was when I got my labs. So I believe I was undetectable already, but showing me the first results would have made him out to be lier. He kept saying the medication is working. All along not knowing I had only taken my medication once before the labs. Our bodies can do amazing things on its own just gotta have faith and keep healthy. I have just now found the place that my blood work was sent to back in January. I’m very curious to go in and ask for the original results as I am the patient

  10. Lisa Thorley


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