Q and A


At which pharmacy can i buy Tribuss in South Africa?



i-Base is a charity in the United Kingdom. Because of this i am afraid i don’t have specific information about pharmacies in South Africa.

You can ask your clinic or doctor about where you can buy Tribuss. The Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) may be able to give you more relevant information.

You can find TACs details, and contact form online.


  1. Thabisa

    Hi We all ARV’s re free in South Africa the problem is they they treat us at government clinics, know one cares what time u spend there outside cold and rainy weathet. I need help its better I buy them than to be treated as such. Plz how much Arv’s and which pharmacy I can go to

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zoleka,

    Thanks for this comment. Is all okay now? How is the HIV treatment going?

  3. Zoleka

    Thank that really help even though the prescription is expensive

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Abdul,

    i-base advocates aren’t medical doctors, therefore I can’t say what’s causing you the pain. This is something that you will need to talk to a doctor about.

  5. Abdul

    I’ve been positive since 2009.I only started to take ARVs in 2013. I’ve never been sick since. However, I suffer with bones pains right at my heart side and my left arm can be painful.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Abdul,

    The following link provides info about pharmacies in the Ranburg area.


    You will need to call them to see if they sell ARVs or not. However, for you to be able to buy ARVs you’ll need a prescription. Also, ARVs are free in South Africa, so if you need ARVs you could get them from a clinic.

  7. Abdul

    In which phamacy i can buy Arvs around ranburg

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Lilian, it is difficult to answer this becasue I don;t know what the health options are in your country. HIV meds need to be prescribed by a doctor, so a private doctor could do this. Free public health will give you free meds, but sometimes this invovles a queue and waiting.

  9. lilian

    hi I have hiv but im not on pills so i want buy it from a pharmis i dont want to go to the clinic to sit there for the day

  10. answear

    You can find Tribuss at any chemist in south Africa, but they will need doctor’s prescription. They cost around R600.


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