Q and A


My CD4 count is 14%, am i going to die soon?

I am very scared because my CD4 count is 14%. Does this mean i am going to die soon? My doctors have advised me to start treatment and i am willing to do that. My kids are young, i’m very scared.



I’m sorry you are feeling scared about your results.

It’s great that you are willing to start treatment. This should lower your viral load. In turn your CD4 count and CD4 % will slowly start to rise. Your viral load tells you how much virus is in your bloodstream.

Many people who have HIV and are on treatment can now expect to live as long as people who are HIV negative. People live for many years on treatment.

Was 14% the only number you were given?

Usually when a percentage is used it refers to your CD4 percentage rather than CD4 count. THese are two different things. They are both used to tell how your immune system is doing. Your CD4 count tells you how many CD4 cells you have. Your CD4 percentage tells you what proportion of you white blood cells are CD4 cells. This information is important because HIV uses and then destroys CD4 cells.

There is more information about CD4 percentages here.

You can find more information about starting treatment in our guide.


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