Q and A


Sore muscles, tiredness and feeling irritable on treatment


I have recently started treatment (last week). I am on efavirenz and Truvada and have adhered to it well missing no doses. I feel that my calf muscles and thighs are really sore shortly after I take my meds. I also feel absolutely exhausted and irritable.

I am keen to persevere hoping that these are side effects that will disappear soon. I would be grateful of any advice you can give. My CD4 prior to starting was 330 and viral load 10, 000 or so.

I have a meeting with my doc next week to review my progress.

Thanks for all your help on here.


Thank you for your question.

It is common for your body to need to adjust to treatment but things usually improve over the first few weeks.

The tired muscles are difficult to explain but as with any symptom it is important to mention it to your doctor when you see him/her next week.

Exhaustion and irritability can be a related to taking efavirenz and is often related to sleep disturbance which can be a fairly common side-effect of efavirenz. These side-effects should start to lessen 2-4 weeks after starting medication. If they do not improve then again speak to your doctor about options to use


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