Q and A


Can i crush or dissolve Atripla?

I am having trouble swallowing the Atripla i have just been prescribed. I’ve just started treatment. Is it ok for me to crush it or dissolve it in water?



You should not crush or dissolve your Atripla. It may effect how well the drug works.

If Atripla is working for you well otherwise you could ask your doctor if you can take the three drugs in Atripla separately. The pills would be smaller. There should be no problem with this and it would still be once a day. The three drugs are called efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir.

You can find more information about Atripla in our online drugs guide.

You can also find information about starting treatment on our website.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Walt – thanks for sharing this idea – sounds like a great tip :)

  2. Walt

    I found when I take my Atripla to coat it with mayo a little or applesauce it goes much easier. No choking.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Andrew.

    As the above post explains if ARVs are crushed up there is possibility that they won’t be as effective.
    Are you able to ask your dr why they think that it’s OK to crush up ARVs, and get them to give you the evidence to support this.

  4. Andrew

    I have been on Atripla for over several years and it works great. I have no side effects and I’m undetected. I’m having gastric bypass surgery next month and I spoke with my HIV doctor today. I have a concern that when I have my surgery I wouldn’t be able to take big pills. My doctor told me today that I can crush my medicine. To my surprise I read this article and it stated that I shouldn’t crush my Atripla, what should I do?


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