Q and A


My wife is testing negative what are the chances our daughter contracted HIV?

At 5 months pregnant my wife had an HIV test and it was negative. At 8 months we both had a HIV test I was positive and my wife was negative. We stopped having sex. Towards giving birth my wife had HIV test and the result said she was intermediary. After giving birth she has done HIV tests twice on a monthly basis and are all negative. My question is what are the chances that our girl contracted the virus?


If your wife is testing negative she does not have HIV. Because of this it is not possible for your child to have HIV. HIV is passed from mother-to-child either during pregnancy and birth or through breastfeeding, not from father to child. Finally HIV is not passed on from day to day interaction so there is no reason that you daughter would become positive.

There is a risk of passing on HIV now to your wife from sex without a condom. If you are on treatment the chances of this happening are very low.