
Is HIV transmitted easily?

I had a sex with a guy who is HIV positive once and we didn’t use a condom. After few days I developed rash on my face. I tested after 10 days and my results were negative. I’m so scared. Is HIV transmitted easily?



HIV is actually quite difficult to catch – it is definitely not transmitted every time you have sex with someone that has HIV. All sorts of things can affect the likelihood of getting it. This includes wether the person is on HIV treatment. If he is the chances that you now have it are very very low. If he has an ‘undetectable’ viral load the risk is extremely low – close to zero.

You should wait for 28 days after the sex to test. This result should be 95% accurate. A test at 3 months will be close to 100% accurate.

You can find more information about HIV testing and transmission in our online guide.