
I worry about whether my 36 year old son is HIV positive

I have a feeling my 36 year old son has HIV positive. Four years ago he went to Thailand when he came back within two weeks he was very ill and ended up in hospital. He had a rash and very bad flu like symptoms. He told me it was the measles.

Since then his immune system is low, he seems to catch a cold every couple of weeks. The last two weeks he has been very ill, with what sounds similar to tonsillitis! I have googled all these symptoms and keep coming up with the same answer. What worries me is that he may not be on medication, because why has he just been so ill again. I asked him if there was more wrong with him would he tell me, he said he would, but he hasn’t. I am worried to death, what can I do



The only way to find out about HIV is to take a test.

There might other reason for your son’s symptoms but HIV testing is good anyway.

Your son is 36 though and lives in the UK. Both testing and treatment is free here – and easy to do.

The other issue is whether your son might already have done this and whether he might not wnat to do this.

This is his health and his decision but even if he doesn’t want to talk to you about this aspect of his life, asking directly might be the only way for you to get the answers you are looking for.

Being HIV positive doesn’t increase your risk for catching colds.


  1. Mary

    Thank you for your reply. I have now asked him and he says it is glandular fever. I hope that is all it is.