Q and A


What if I take an Odimune pill and I am HIV negative?



If you are HIV negative, a single pill will not casue any harm.

If you are really HIV positive but not yet diagnosed, taking a single pill might cause drug resistance.

Medicines should only be taken if they have been prescribed by a doctor.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zinhle,

    Odiume is a generic version of Atripla, it’s perfectly safe to take when pregnant. It won’t have any negative impact on your babies health. In fact it will reduce the risk of transmission.

    Though you may feel like you aren’t ready to take medication, it’s really important that you do. There’s more info about this here: http://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

    The following guide in an intro to ARVs: http://i-base.info/guides/starting

  2. Zinhle

    Im pregnent and doctor commanded me to take odimune because result came positive is the any harm after I give a birth to a baby and no more taking them because I’m not ready to take a HIV treatment just now I want to protect unborn child


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