Q and A


Why am I loosing weight?

My question is, I started ART last month but I kept loosing weight gradually and a rashes increase in apprearing n disappearing, what is d cause? My CD4+ count was 229.



Thanks for your question.

Have you talked to your doctor about these worries? If yes, what was the answer?

Talking to your doctor is important with any symptoms – especially rash and weight. This i-Base services is not run by doctors, so we can’t diagnose symptoms. These symptoms might be related to other infections.

With weight loss, it is important to know  your ideal normal weight, your current weight, and how quickly this is happeneing. An unexplained loss of more than 5% over 6 months – or 10% over a year – is a serious symptom. Your doctor will look at your overall health, including diet, exercise and other health issues.

Talking about your current diet might also help.

Most people put on weight over the first six months of HIV treatment (ART) and this is a healthy thing.

Your CD4 count is good and ART will enable this ti increase to hgiher levels. This is a good thing.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi, you don;t need a special diet because of HIV. Just as for the HIV negative people a nutritious balanced diet is important – see here for info:

  2. Cosmas

    Thank you Simon. The next time I’ll see my Dr is August, I’ll tell him about it then. What meals are best to take?


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