Q and A


I am positive and on treatment but still losing weight. What should I do?

I am positive and on treatment but still losing weight. What should I do?


Thanks for posting a question.

Without more information it is difficult to help. For example, how much weight you have lost? and what is your normal weight? It also helps to know your current CD4 count and how long you have been on treatment

Talking to your doctor is important with any symptoms – especially rash and weight. This i-Base services is not run by doctors, so we can’t diagnose symptoms. These symptoms might be related to other infections. Your doctor will also look at your overall health, including diet, exercise and other health issues

Most people put on weight over the first six months of HIV treatment (ART) and this is a healthy thing so it’s important to speak to your doctor about why you are losing weight.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi, if your viral load is undetectable, your boyfriend will not become positive.

    Se this link for information about the PARTNER study.

    It reports zero transmissions after 800 couples had sex more than 58,000 times without condoms.

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi, if your viral load is undetectable you boyfriend will not catch HIV.
    See this link for details of the PARTNER study that showed this.


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