Q and A


What are the names for generic versions of Atripla?


Atripla is a single daily pills that contains efavirenz + tenofovir DF + FTC.

There are many generic versions of this combinations and these include:

  • Atenef
  • Atreslawin
  • Atroiza.
  • Citenvir.
  • Heftenam.
  • Odimune.
  • Tribuss.
  • Trivenz.
  • Truno.
  • Trustiva.
  • Viraday.

All these meds have contain the same active ingredients as Atripla and are just as safe and effective.

Generic combinations that contain 3TC instead of FTC (with efavirenz + tenofovir DF)  include:

  • Tenarenz.
  • Telura.
  • Eflaten.

I most situations these are seen as interchangeble with Atripla.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Natsayi,

    Trivenz contains the same compounds as Atripla, therefore there shouldn’t be any difference.

  2. Natsayi

    if I have been on Atripla for 8 years and now I change to the generic one Trivenz.
    what are the side effects, and will it not make my body react differently


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