Q and A


Are generics good?

First of all a big thanks for running this website. This has helped me a lot for the last few days.
Unfortunately I was diagnosed HIV + a month back and a recent count on CD4 was 30. Awaiting VL results. So a very late diagnosis.
My doctor prescribed me Truvada and Tivicay yesterday
I’m a native of India and my visa in current country of stay is at risk because of this diagnosis.
My question is when I return to India I wont have acces to Tivicay and may need to switch to generics of stocrin or Artipla.
Will I jeopardize the effectiveness of the future ART in India as I hear Trivicay is better at controlling the virus?


Thanks for getting in touch.

How are you coping with your diagnoses?Are you able to get some support?

Modern HIV drugs are very effective and this includes generics. Therefore, if you need to change this should be ok. The following link has information about ARVs:


Please get in touch if you need anymore information.


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