Q and A


I’m not on meds, do I have to take them?

Hi, I am in my early 20’s I have been diagnosed with HIV for a long time now.

My CD4 was 700 when I found out that I was positive and that was three years back. I don’t take meds.

Lately I have been sick non stop. I cough until I vomit. I smoke and drink alcohol, I think my immune system has drooped badly but I don;t like taking pills. If I start taking ARVs now, will it be forever or can I stop at some point?


Thanks for getting in touch.

The World Health Organisation recommendations are, that everyone who is living with HIV should be on medication. This is even if you have a high CD4. Yours when diagnosed was high, however this is likely to have dropped.

Taking pills can be for difficult. However, if you want to control your HIV you will need to take them.

ARVs are for life, this is because as of yet there is no cure. For more info about ARVs, please see  here:


Because you’ve been feeling unwell, you should get your CD4 checked and your viral load.


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