Q and A


Do we need to have an abortion?

My wife just tested HIV-positive in the third month of her pregnancy and the doctor wants her to have an abortion. He has not even dissussed medication.

We are confused and depressed and feel time is running out.


There is NO reason why you should consider aborting your baby.

Your doctor is wrong to suggest this, and is not up to date with the facts.

The risk for your next baby to be HIV-positive can be reduced to almost zero.

Although these test results are a shock to you, it is important that you get accurate information.

The main risk to the baby comes when the baby is delivered. But if your wife starts HIV treatment, her viral load (amount of HIV in her blood) will be brought down to very low levels by the time the baby is born. And the risk becomes very low.
She also has time to get information, so you both feel in control of your choices. Most doctors recommend starting treatment after the first three month, so timing is still fine for all this.

It is very rare for a baby to become HIV-positive when the mother is on a combination of three drugs that will bring her viral load down to very low levels.

For more information on pregnancy see this guide

Especially the first section

You need to find a doctor who has experience of treating other HIV positive patients.

For general information about treatment

If you want to email me privately and in confidence, please send to:


  1. mandla

    Abortion may not be the solution, if you think that you won’t be able to raise the child you could take him/her to hospital and you must be able to tell them what will stop you to raise the baby. Just tell what you feel about the baby since you are not in normal condition so that they can counsel you.


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