Q and A


Is HIV still damaging my body?

I’m undetectable. Is HIV still damaging my body?


Thanks for getting in touch.

It is great that your viral load in now undetectable.

This stops HIV from damaging your immune system – and it lets your immune system become stronger again.

As long as you are careful to keep taking your meds, the risk of HIV-related complications is now very small.


  1. Lisa Thorley
  2. John

    Hi. I would like to ask if it is possible to feel the sign og hiv 12 days after intercourse?? He told me he is positive then he said it was a joke. Since it was happened i cant stop my self from thinking. what if i am contaminated also.. right after that night i feel so sick.. anxiety kills me till now.. i am very paranoid and stressed now.. i feel body and muscle aches, but no fever. Now i feel that my tongue is irritated just like you drink too much hot drinks or what and it gets dry.. i did 28 days elisa test and its negative. What will i do next. Please help me and please tell something about what i feel now.. i really need help. I am not in my country i am working in oman right now..

  3. John

    Zanele take ART – it is really important. Without taking it – you have 10-15 years life expectancy maximum.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zanele,

    Being diagnosed with HIV can be a shock. What you need to do is slow down. You’ll be OK. Do you have someone who you can talk to other than your mom?

    Though you may not like the idea of taking medication. Its important that you take it. This is because it will help you to control your HIV. For more about starting meds and living well with HIV please see the following:



    With regards to telling your mom, do this in your own time. There’s no rush to tell her. When you do tell her, it may help to have the facts. HIV is now a very manageable health condition. Q 10 here might help:


  5. Zanele

    Hi I found out yesterday that I’m HIV positive. I’m scared to start some ARV because I don’t like drinking pills. d I’m also scared to tell my mom.please help


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