Q and A


I’m detectable and breastfeeding, is there a risk?

If my viral load is detectable and I’m breastfeeding is my baby at risk? My baby is on medication.


Thanks for getting in touch.

Guidelines relating to breastfeeding and HIV positive mothers vary depending on where a woman lives globally. In the UK breastfeeding isn’t advised and this is even when someone has an undetectable viral load.

If a woman who is positive is breastfeeding when their viral load is detectable, then yes there is a risk of transmission. This is even if the baby is on medication. As to the level of risk its not possible to say. If in doubt the best and safest option is to give a baby formula.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mpho, congratulations on having a baby. It is great to hear that your viral load is undetectable. No you do not need to stop breastfeeding. This scar is not going to increase the risk of transmission. As your viral load is undetectable you have already reduce this risk to as low as possible.


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