
I took my meds early, will this be an issue?

My viral load is undetectable, I took my ARVs two hours early, will this have any effect?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Its OK to take your meds a few hours either side of your normal time, this won’t be an issue. Your viral load will remain undetectable.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zuzu,

    If you miss a dose very occasionally, that will be fine. Most of us miss a dose sometimes. But it can be a problem if it happens every week.

    If you miss a dose you can take it as soon as you remember. But if you only remember when it’s time to take another dose, do not take a double dose.

  2. Zuzu

    i didn’t take my pill yesterday due to the fact that i was driving a long distance my question is this going to affect my viral load?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sarah,

    If you’re supposed to take ARVs both in the morning and at night, this means that they will only be effective if you do that. If you’ve been missing your morning dose this means you won’t have been having your full course of ARVs. Your viral load will have been effected and it will have rebounded. There’s also a possibility that you may have developed resistance. You’re going to need to talk to your doctor about this,

    If taking meds twice a day is an issue for you, then you should see if its possible to have a combination that only needs to be taken once a day.

  4. sarah

    I skipped my morng dose for two months will that affect my viral load now that am back to my two times.ive bin undetectable for a year

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zuzu,

    That’s great. Best wishes.

  6. Zuzu n

    Thanks Roy
    Will let you know when i got my results

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zuzu,

    Thanks for letting us know. You can ask your doctor for advice about diet and exercise. And please see this guide to a balanced diet and your health. I hope this has some useful tips for you.

    Please let us know when you have your viral load result. And please tell us what HIV meds you are taking.

    If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign for local help at this link.

  8. Zuzu

    Good Afternoon Roy
    I did viral load test on the 5th Sept still awaiting my result, The dr says the pain is caused by weight, as im weighing 135 now, last time my CD4 count was 273

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Zuzu,

    What did the doctor say about your pain? Having a pain under the left side of your ribs is not a reported side effect of Atroiza.

    Please see your doctor again if the pain is still bothering you.

    But how is your HIV treatment going? Do you have access to your viral load and CD4 results? Please let us know.

  10. Zuzu

    im HIV + and taking Atroiza for almost 7 months,my problem i have a pain under the left side of my ribs, i did go to the clinic and see the doctor, the pain still bother


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