Q and A


What does a viral load of 124 mean?

My viral load test has just come back, it’s 124, what does this mean?


Thanks for getting in touch.

For me to be able to comment, I’m going to need to know how long you’ve been on medication for. If you’re new to meds, then this is great viral result. If you’ve been on meds for a while and your viral load has been lower than 124, then this could be a testing error. However, I’m going to need more info. If you could respond to this post that would be great.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ierato, you have excellent CD4 count and viral load test results.

    Your CD4 count is within a health range. Any value between 430 and 1690 is the same as someone without HIV. It means your treatment is working well enough that HIV is no longer damaging your immune system.

    CD4: https://i-base.info/cd4-count/

    You can see your treatment is working well by your suppressed viral load. Any result below 200 is considered undetectable. When you have a viral load this low it means HIV is not active in your body and it is impossible to pass on HIV to someone else via sex, even without a condom.

    Viral load: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/viral-load

    You can continue with your treatment as you are doing. It is working very well for you and aside from taking this treatment, HIV should not be having any impact on your health.

  2. lerato

    It been a long time ive been on medication n my last viral load is 19 n my cd4 is 727 so I want to know am I OK or what?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Picasso,

    Thanks for letting us know. How’s it going? What ARVs are you taking?

    And if you have access to your CD4 count and viral load results, please tell us what they are.

  4. Picasso

    This is my first year started to take medication


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