Q and A


What does lower than detectable mean?

I have been told my viral load is lower than detectable (LTD). Does that mean it is Undetectable?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Yes, when viral load is “lower than detectable”, this means it is undetectable.

This also relates to how sensitive the viral load test. For example, viral load tests with a 20 or 50 copy/mL cut-off, will mean viral load is less than 20 or less than 50, respectively.

Either way, HIV is controlled.

It means you’re doing great.

It also means your partners cannot catch HIV, even if you don’t use a condom (see U=U).


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lilian, it is great to hear that you have been on medication for the last 6 months. How are you doing with it? After 6 months it is likely that you are undetectable. It is important you get a test done though (viral load test). This will you let know if the medication is working and if you are undetectable or not.

  2. Lilian

    I have being Taking hiv medication for over 6 months and I have not been tested since. Can I be undetected?


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