Q and A


Is it normal for a viral load to rebound?

After starting ART my viral load had became much lower.  

However, I have been asked to provide more blood as it has raised slightly again.

Is this normal? Or are my tablets not working?


Hi there,

Thanks for your Q and for letting us post the answer online.

Although most people quickly become undetectable on ART, sometimes it takes a little longer.

However, to answer properly it would really help to have a few more details.

  • What was your viral load when you started treatment?
  • How long ago this was?
  • How low did your viral load go on ART?
  • How high was the last result?
  • Also, which HIV drugs are you taking.

If you want to discuss this more, either online or by private email, my name in Simon. Please either post in a comment below or send more details to me at questions@i-base.org.uk


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