Q and A


Should I start PrEP if I am not yet sexually active?


What is PrEP? Can I start it without prescription?

I am HIV negative but I am not sexually active yet.

Should I start PrEP?


Hi there

Thanks for your questions about PrEP and great that you are finding out information.

Please see this UK guide to PrEP that should answer all your questions – and more.

In most countries, including the UK, PrEP needs to be prescribed by a doctor. However, some people in the UK buy PrEP online without this. Some US states also let people buy PrEP over the counter without a prescription.

If you are not yet sexually active, then you have time to think about whether PrEP might be good for you.

This will be an individual decision. If might depend on your age, gender, sexuality, type of sex you want to have. Also, the country that you live in and whether or not your partner might be positive.

These might be things that you could talk about with a health advisor. Or calling an HIV organisation in your country.

If you are in the UK, for example, there are sexual health clinics for young people who would be able to help.

If you reply below with more info I can post links to these clinics.


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